Blog 406: G.O.A.T

Jesus is Our Scapegoat and Our Sacrificial Lamb - YouTube

When we think of a goat we think of the animal, there are farm ones, mountain ones, small ones, large ones and cute ones. However when I say G.O.A.T I don’t mean these cute furry animals but I am talking about the greatest of all time. When I say about the greatest of all time who do you think off? Maybe Maradona? Maybe Messi? Maybe Andy Murray? Maybe Monet? Maybe Winston Churchill? Maybe you can think of other people. Being a G.O.A.T is something that is wonderful and something that a lot of people think about at this time of year- Christmas for some people is thinking about the best presents they have had in the past, the memories that have been made of the years and how much has been great over time. However, there is a reason that Jesus came at Christmas time and that He really is the ultimate G.O.A.T and we need to remember that in everything we do in each and everyday.

Christmas time is a time when we think about the times we have with family, the great food that we are able to have, the presents that we have received and so much more. Christmas is something that should be celebrated and something that for every family is something that is special and to be celebrated. There have been so many Christmases over the years, there have been so many people that have been hurt over the years, there have been so many people that have celebrated this amazing day without really realising who they are celebrating and why they are celebrating it. What they do not know is that Jesus is the ultimate G.O.A.T. He was and is the greatest of all time. There have been many people that have celebrated this time of year but they don’t fully know the reason as to why this time is celebrated.

He was the one that lived a perfect life, he was the one that was fully God and fully man. He was the one that died a perfect death. We may not know and realise that Jesus was the greatest of all time but He really is. No one has had their birth predicted but His was, no one has been talked about since the beginning of the world but Jesus was, no one has lived a perfect life but he did, no one died a perfect death but Jesus did, no one is talked about more than He is. Jesus really is the greatest of all time and we can’t forget what he has done for us. We should not forget that Jesus was the One who God sent to this earth for us.

Not only should we be thankful for those people in the world that we think are the greatest of all time but we should be thankful for Jesus, We should be thankful for the love that He has shown us, we should be thankful for the creation that is around us, We should be thankful for the people that He has put around us, We should be thankful for the food that He has provided that we have on our plates, we should be thankful for the rain that waters the crops, we should be thankful for the sun, we should be thankful that Jesus was put on this earth so that He can show us the way to God and we can come to God through Him. Jesus is the one that came so that we are able to come to God. Jesus is the greatest of all time.

All the things that have happened in your life, all the things that have been bad, all the things that have been good, all the people that have come and gone, all the times and days that you have on this earth God has planned, God has planned every moment of your life, God has planned every person you will ever meet, God has planned all the things that happen and not everything that happens will be good. Today as we go about our life we need to remember that Jesus is the greatest of all time, we need to remember that Messi, Churchill, Murray, Monet and Messi are great and they have done some good things in their life but they were not talked about before they were born and in about 500 years they will be forgotten. However, Jesus will always be remembered and he will be the greatest of all time no matter what happens in anyone’s life.

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